Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sepia Saturday - The Trio

When anyone says trio,
many think first of Picasso.

Some of us,
(in declining numbers, I'm sure)
think of Goodman, Wilson, Krupa.

and ...them...

...But this collection is about old photographs.

Rest assured there are plenty of photographs in LOST GALLERY that feature a trio of one combination or another. The first page of photographs of trios started in 2007 and there have been a few updates since then.

We even did a
Sepia Saturday page about Trios
back in February. So this time, let's limit the trio to the suggested combination of
One Guy and Two Girls.

Let's see what I can find.

Let's start with a trio that is very similar to the Sepia Saturday suggestion.


The photographer says, "Don't move your eyes; pick out a point and concentrate on it. Don't move your lips and don't swallow either."

The result of those instructions will be this. Staring wide eyed at some distant point, jaws clenched to hold the lips still.

Oh, you don't buy that?
Okay, how about this...

Suddenly Sandra recognized the photographer. He was her blind date from last Tuesday night’s Basement Social and Two-step Dance! She had left him for dead out in the cow pasture and now, here he was peering at her from behind the big studio camera. What if he recognizes her? What then? Would he try to date her again? Should she change her name?

Now, a few snapshots.

Kentucky dam villiage
Vernon had the weirdest sense of humor.
Two women and one man in jodhpurs
Where would we be without jodhpurs?
Aunt Laura Payne

two girls, one guy and a car
He looks like a young George C. Scott.
In the woods trio
Furman tried to hide the map. They all knew he was lost.

Box car trio
Life on the rails wasn't so bad.
Dad Mom and the daughter

Found Negative: 2 girls, 1 boy and a bike 300
Can we borrow your bicycle?
One guy, two girls
Lorene and Florene were his personal nit-pickers.
Three in the arcade

Gramps and the two grands
Gramps and the two grands...
and saddle shoes.
Three on the steps 03

Thanks to Flickr member Wren's Nest Cottage I have a translation for the one on the left.
Dark brown hair,
Blue eyes,
Use ?????
Which is best,
Smiled same,
Pickens ? man."

Mrs. Amy Krebs
629 W. Frisco"

Isabel, Percy and Eufalia Jane of Lincoln, Maine
Two younger sisters. Those poor girls.
three on the front steps
Mountain View Cottage
Three and the car
Francis Preston, none of our family
Two older sisters. Those poor girls.

Christmas time
Mom, Dad and Sis
Trio at the party

CDV Man Woman Child
CDV Man Woman Child

On reverse:
Ask David whether he knows
this man woman and child
Joseph Gamble Welham
Near Market Hamboro

Itinerant photographer
The itinerant photographer at the sea shore.
Yes. She is just around the corner on the right.
All things considered
All things considered, Myra was glad she wore her "sensible" shoes.
Jodhpur trio
Glenna had already slipped on the ice twice. She vowed to walk on her knees the rest of the day. But that was before the arrest.

Three in the Woods, well okay, Four.
Later that day, Vern bit their necks.
Polaroid trio
An old Polaroid
Two girls with bows

Selecting a hat was always a big part of their day.
Trio outside

Road Trip
Road Trip
Trio at the studio
Three pals
Faye hooked her foot behind Gene's heels and Grace punched him the stomach. That was easy. Getting him into the trunk of the car proved a little more daunting.

Trio at the conservatory

20130815 trio mad

Now let's take a close look at this one.

I found three identical copies of this one in a Chickasha, Oklahoma, junk shop. Well, identical prints. The three were not identical in condition. All three were in very bad shape: Parts were missing and what was left was yellowed, faded and marred. With the Photoshop "layers" tool, I was able to salvage the best parts of all three.

The originals were about 6 inches by 8 inches and mounted on Bristol board and badly yellowed and stained. I will present a cropped and cleaned up version here in order to make the details a little clearer. If you want to see the assembled original version without any enhancement, it is HERE.

MADams Family crop

You might have noticed already. The woman on the right is missing the fingers on her left hand.

Now snap back to the
Sepia Saturday Home Page
and see what else you can find.

The most popular photographs most popular, Family Group, An album of the most requested photographs in the Lost Gallery.

Area 51 and a Half Area 51 and a Half You are probably not authorized to see these.

Don't take my picture! Oh! You DID didn't you! completely unaware of the photographer This is a collection of photographs that disappear on the way home from the photo processing shop.

And don't miss
Cabinet Card Gallery
One Man's Treasure
Penny Tales
Square America
Tattered and Lost
Vernacular Photography
The best
sites on the web.

And for postcards try

All images are the property of Lost Gallery and the author. Permission must be granted for their use. All rights reserved.

THE KIDS Lesson one. It is always a mystery how a photograph of any of these precious children could end up lost or abandoned. Here are a few. You will probably say "Ooh..." at least once.

Dee and the Business School Dee and the Business School
The beautiful Dee. A curious story; What do you see?

Neiffel and Helvetica Typehigh

"What are they doing?"


  1. You think the woman on the left cut them off when her husband took her as second wife? Leprosy? maniac husband? Escape from being locked in the basement? Frozen hand when climbing the mountain?

    1. Thanks Kristin. Maybe she was just a chronic nail biter.

  2. Thanks Kat Mortensen. It wouldn't be the first time I've found a photograph with a celebrity caught in it.

  3. What a SUPER collection of Threesome Photos, and fun captions to go with them. Each one noteworthy, entertaining and comment worthy. I'll pick a few favorites...First one with Sandra...girl you need a bigger hat to hide under. Furman and the map...what's really fun about this one is the older lady decked out to the nines for a camping picnic with her purse in hand...guess that's how they did it in California in what looks like the Redwood Forest...LOL! And my very FAV...the Carnival Cartoon-Board Threesome. I have a couple of those that I had forgotten...thanks for the reminder and for a very entertaining post. I'll be adding you to my sidebar favorites.

    Thanks for stopping by CollectInTexas Gal and leaving a reply...~anyjazz...lucky little brother to have such an accepting playmate...that's priceless!

    Sue CollectInTexasGal~Today's Post~
    Older Sister Syndrome~Sepia SAT Sibling 3Some

    1. Thanks Sue McPeak for your visit and comments and your fun blog. This was a fun page to put together. Trios are one of my most plentiful categories. I did a page on the Novelty Photo Booth back in 2009. I'll have to go back and update it. I think I have acquired more since then.

      Thanks again!

  4. What a fun way of presenting such a collection of trios!
    Re the fingers, in the Australian country areas there are lots of people without fingers - they tend to lose them in threshing machines, used to separate grain from husks. They look like hard-working/suffering country folk, so maybe they had an early version of one of these machines. I'm sure the machines were much more 'vicious' back then.

    1. Thank you Jackie van Bergen. I was thinking a threshing machine too. I grew up in Kansas, so I have seen them. Even the modern ones look a bit dangerous. Their faces communicate that they have little to smile about.

  5. Gosh, this is a lot of trios! Each one with a great story too, either real or imagined. I'm fascinated by Aunt Landa?, Uncle Bob, and the Neighbor stranded on some road in the middle of nowhere waiting for Godot. Did he ever come?

    1. Thanks Mike Brubaker. Hm. No, I don't think Godot ever showed up. But his cousin Spike did. He was on a motorcycle and wasn't much help.

  6. I think my favourite is the head-in-the hole trio. I also prefer the reconstructed, but not cleaned up, version of the last photograph. Great work.

    1. Thanks Brett Payne. I seldom do any work on a found photograph; repair the spots, scratches and tears. I prefer the condition of the photograph as found, as that condition communicates some of its journey to our time. But occasionally there are important details to be found by a just little enhancement to the yellowing and fading. This one took a lot of work to make it even recognizable.

      Whenever I do any adjustments to a photograph, I always present both versions in LOST GALLERY.

  7. The 'box car trio' is intriguing. I wonder what the circumstances were.

    1. Thanks Boobok. There must be a story there. Maybe that was "home" to someone.

  8. All I can say is wow, what a fine collection from road trips to Christmas time, you have included it all! I'm thinking the lady had an injury, and her fingers got cut off perhaps, maybe even frost bite and they had to remove (like they did more often back in the day) the infected ends.

    1. Thanks Karen S. Yes, frost bite is quite likely the story there. Life in those days was certainly struggle on all fronts.

  9. Your photos are always so amazing....and of course the captions are fabulous too. How about that last photo. There's a story in that photo to be sure. The more I look at the Conley Bros photo in the middle the more I giggle.

    1. Thanks Alex Daw. I certainly wish I knew more about that one. Yes, the three in the Conley Brothers photograph look a bit uncomfortable. I bet spicy food was involved.

  10. How you manage to turn up so many apt photos each week is amazing. That place in Leicestershire is Market Harborough - a place I visited many times years ago.

    1. Thanks Bob Scotney. Rescuing photographs has been an interest for decades. The LOST GALLERY has provided a forum to share that interest with other collectors. Leicestershire Market Hamborough. You and Little Nell recognized it at the same time.

  11. An amusing gallery this wek with very inventive captions. Oh that vampire! BTW the reverse of the photo asking David to identify the subjects, the town is Market Harborough, Leicestershire.

    1. Thanks Little Nell. The captions usually come to me when I first see an abandoned photograph. You and Bob Scotney (above) recognized Market Hamborough, Leicestershire at the same time.

  12. A fun and varied collection of trios. The man's tie in the restored photo is quite amusing.

    1. Thanks Postcardy. Yes, the tie fits right into the mood of the rest of the photograph. It's probably the best he could do.

  13. There are just so many to choose from. It's hard to decide which are my faves. I will say you bookended it nicely with what appear to be people a few tacos short of a combination plate at the start and finish.

    1. Thanks Tattered and Lost. You're right! Snapshots are usually where you find the odd situations. But here are two professional photographs that beg the imagination.

  14. Love your captions on this great collection of trios.

    1. Thanks diane b. I must remember to add more captions on future collections.



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