This Sepia Saturday Suggestion seems to be about floods and flood damage
So today for Sepia Saturday, lets look through the back pages at LOST GALLERY and see if what we can find on the subject of floods.
Quite coincidentally, these next four photographs turned up last year in a found batch. They are all labeled on the reverse as "Ottawa, Kansas Flood 1951" which would have been the same flood my brother was navigating in the above snapshot. Ottawa is only about 130 miles from Salina, Kansas.
These seem to be of the flood damage more than the flood itself.
Speaking of Flood Damage, there is more of that in LOST GALLERY than photographs of floods. Here are a few very precious photographs damaged by water.
But back to photographs of floods.
But no flood collection could be complete without a mention of the great flood. (No. Not THAT great flood.)
No, I mean the great flood in "When Worlds Collide" the science fiction disaster movie that dazzled our senses back in, you guessed it, 1951. If you want to see the movie, it's only 82 minutes long and a real hoot. See it here at
Daily Motion .
I found the movie still photograph in a tray of like material at a junk store in a small town in Texas. It differs from other found photographs in that everything about it is known. It was just abandoned.
Now paddle on back to the
Sepia Saturday home page. You'll be up to your neck in flood photographs and stories.
There are now more than 4,000 photographs in the Lost Gallery.Or try out the NEW BACK PAGE INDEX
The most popular photographs An album of the most requested photographs in the Lost Gallery.
Area 51 and a Half You are probably not authorized to see these.
Don't take my picture! Oh! You DID didn't you! This is a collection of photographs that disappear on the way home from the photo processing shop.
And don't miss
Cabinet Card Gallery
One Man's Treasure
Penny Tales
Square America
Tattered and Lost
Vernacular Photography
The best
sites on the web.
And for postcards try
All images are the property of Lost Gallery and the author. Permission must be granted for their use. All rights reserved.
THE KIDS It is always a mystery how a photograph of any of these precious children could end up lost or abandoned. Here are a few. You will probably say "Ooh..." at least once.
Dee and the Business School
The beautiful Dee. A curious story; What do you see?
"What are they doing?"