LOST GALLERY has thousands of old photographs. They are grouped by content or subject for easy comparison. Many of the photographs are decades old.
As you probably know already, the moustache was common among gentlemen of yesteryear. From Pencil-Thin to Handlebar, most men cultivated some sort of whiskers on their upper lip. There were no safety razors or electric razors a hundred years ago. Maybe it was vanity, or maybe it was a male ego thing or even an attempt at being stylish. Maybe it was inconvenient to shave under the nose with an ultra sharp straight razor.
In actuality it was more than a bit inconvenient. They had to groom it daily sometimes with moustache wax and use a moustache cup for their coffee. And let me tell you it was no boon during a head cold.
Let's examine a few. There are many portraits of men with a moustache in LOST GALLERY. Let's deal with the moustache only, no beards or muttonchops or goatees or chin curtains. No side-whiskers or neck beards or Shenandoahs.
Also let's look only at cabinet cards, CDVs and tintypes; no snapshots. We can be fairly sure that all of these are more than a century old.

So, wax on back to the
SEPIA SATURDAY home page and see what else you can find right under your nose.

There are now more than 4,000 photographs in the Lost Gallery. Or try out the NEW BACK PAGE INDEXThe most popular photographs An album of the most requested photographs in the Lost Gallery.
Area 51 and a Half You are probably not authorized to see these.
Don't take my picture! Oh! You DID didn't you! This is a collection of photographs that disappear on the way home from the photo processing shop.
And don't missCabinet Card GalleryOne Man's TreasurePenny TalesSquare AmericaTattered and LostVernacular PhotographyThe bestFOUND PHOTOGRAPHsites on the web. And for postcards try THE DAILY POSTCARD. POSTCARDY
All images are the property of Lost Gallery and the author. Permission must be granted for their use. All rights reserved.
THE KIDS It is always a mystery how a photograph of any of these precious children could end up lost or abandoned. Here are a few. You will probably say "Ooh..." at least once.
Dee and the Business School The beautiful Dee. A curious story; What do you see?
WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? "What are they doing?"