This is my favorite photobooth portrait.
It tells quite a story.
| He said he liked my eyes.
It was nearly the first thing he said. He said “Hello, aren’t you Nelda? I like your eyes.”
He said he liked my eyes.
I’ll give him one of these pictures. I wonder, is that too forward? I’ll give him one anyway. I can’t be shy all my life. Yes I can.
What’ll I write on the back? My name. I’ll say, “from Nelda.” OR how about “Your Friend, Nelda”. No no, he didn’t say I was a friend.
He said he liked my eyes.
I’ll put, “To Jory from Nelda.” That isn’t too much is it?
I wonder if he has a girlfriend.
I’m not pretty, I wonder why he said “I like your eyes.”
He said he liked my eyes.
There are so many.
This is the FIRST installment of the Photo-booth Series.
For a review here is
PAGE ONE - (This One)
Page TEN -
Page Eleven -
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
All images are the property of
Lost Gallery and the author.
Permission must be granted for their use.
All rights reserved. CLICK HERE
| Elma always considered herself a bit plain until she inherited all that money. | | Chelsea managed to find a way to conceal the club soda stains on her blouse. Later she could remove them with a bit of salsa or red wine. Mom would never know. |
This one is from Argentina.
The photobooth must have frightened her... | Of course I'm serious.
And stop calling me Shirley. | Vintonio Bosley invented feta cheese dice. He never learned to tie his shoes.
Perhaps he would rather be home in bed. | We haf ways to make you talk. |
Patella Kneely was forever being mistaken for Juliette Lewis. | It was Marcie’s lifelong ambition to star in toothpaste commercials. One afternoon at the dentist’s office would change all that. | | No one knew the curse of Bunny's super power. It was such a burden to have the ability to see through cheese. |
You're gonna regret this. | | Oh dear. I hope no one heard that. | Then, Nola noticed an interesting odor. |
Take off my WHAT? | | You think so? Wait'll you see this! | Vaughn collected used insoles. |
Alan could never find clothes that fit so he changed his name to Dave. | I gotta quit drinkin' | When she was 12, Pat changed her name to Ventura Limpid Seldom. It didn’t help though. | Mannie preferred the natural look in make-up. She also collected postage stamp glue and in her spare time she hid. |
Wanna see what I got in my pocket?
| Devlin liked the photobooth. With eleven sisters, it was the only time he had to himself.
| | Geraldo always wore a hat. Socks and boxers, well...that was something else.
Okay, Mommy. I'll sit here. Just stay in sight.
This place smells funny. I can't see Dolly.
Is this going to tickle? What''s that noise?
That light scares me. Can I hold Dolly now?
| Franzie never talked politics. She spent her childhood trying to learn to spell her last name ...
and then she married.
Then came digital clocks.
| Baker felt as if he had been wadded up and thrown out with the trash. | Ulna failed to find anything humorous about worm gizzards. |
Charlene’s new glasses made her look taller. “It’s like I am seeing for the first time,” she exclaimed.
Her boyfriend Denny was a bit concerned about that. | | Suddenly it dawned on Freeda why her brother always claims to be an only child. Why does no one ever see the two of them together? | Poncho D. Button always insisted that in life’s work, he was only a temp. |
Helga used to play center for the Chiefs. | I can play but I won't do the dance. | I saw that. | Hello, Microsoft Help Line. May I please to be helping you, this fine morning or afternoon as your case may to be? |
Delahey Forge used to sell wallpaper deliberately to people. Then he repented and just wandered about Colorado until he was 29. | What a handsome lady.
Wallet worn and treasured. Somebody loved her dearly. | Selvia collected 412 recipes for road kill.
Now, the waiting. | Peabody Moult never did anything right.
But he never told anyone, so he never got a spanking. |