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From a commenter at the bottom of the page.
This is a Stinson SR, NC13498 serial number 8752.
Here is all the information I have on it:
An 18 Nov 1936 telegram from C.R. Rust of Two Harbors, MN to the Bureau of Air Commerce requesting authority to install Edo model 3300 floats, serial number P6010 as removed from a Model S. Approval was granted as long as he follows approved data and attaches an aux fin under the fuselage.
The airplane was apparently in Alaska and operated by Wein Airways. There is a 26 Apr 1938 approval to install Wien Model W-3750 skis.
Weight of Skis 180 pounds
Weight of wheels & tires removed 87 pounds
This airplane was listed in the 15 Aug 1939 Radio Station Bulletin.
The airplane was involved in a fatal accident on 23 Nov 1939 on a return flight from Fortymile, AK to Fairbanks. The pilot, Norris W. Johnson was the only person onboard after delivering supplies to the isolated village. He had circled the Fairbanks airport several times trying to land during a snowstorm when the accident occurred.


From caz.caswell:
There were 2 CF-BKE; One a G-21 Goose & the other a G-73 Mallard C-GIWD was used on the Wardair MU-2 & again on an A-310.
CF-FUN, CF-DJC were also used twice on Mr Wards aircraft.
De Havilland had a series of test registrations with one turning up on 3 dash 8's :)
From mrwidgeon1948:
Cas is correct, this was the 13th Grumman Goose built, cn 1013.
It was delivered in May of 1938 and turned over to the RCAF early in WW II, so the photo probably dates (judging by the flowers) from the Summer of 1938 or 1939.
The SECOND CF-BKE was indeed a Grumman Mallard, cn J-2, the 2nd Mallard built.
It still survives based in the U.S. as a privately owned airplane.
Both CF-BKEs were originally sold to the same man, J.P. Bickle, owner of McIntire Porcupine Mines Ltd..

Riddle Airlines.
ParkStreetParrot on Flickr says: Curtiss C46 Commando , was still around in 1977 , when it was damaged in a wheels up landing at Miami.

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NTSB Identification: NYC02LA180.
The docket is stored in the Docket Management System (DMS). Please contact Records Management Division
Accident occurred Thursday, August 29, 2002 in Louisa, VA
Probable Cause Approval Date: 7/23/2003
Aircraft: Cessna 150, registration: N60425
Injuries: 1 Serious, 1 Minor.
The student taxied onto the runway, applied full power, the engine responded, and the airplane accelerated as expected. After climbing through approximately 50 feet agl, the engine suddenly lost all power. The instructor took the controls, set the airplane back down onto the runway, and applied maximum braking. The airplane overran the end of the runway, impacted a small ditch that was concealed by grass, and nosed over. Examination of the wreckage revealed no preimpact failures or malfunctions. In addition, three different engine runs were performed with the engine on the accident airplane, and no anomalies were identified.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: A loss of engine power for an undetermined reason.

D. Sheley on Flickr says:
It's an Armstrong Whitworth Argosy C1 transport used by the RAF from the early 1960's till the 1980's

D. Sheley on Flickr says:
North American B-25H-1-NA Mitchell
Serial number 43-4111
This appears to be a post-war shot because all the armament has been removed and faired over. She would've carried an impressive amount of firepower when rolled out of the factory too, with a total of 14 .50 cal machine guns and a 75mm cannon.
- 4 fixed forward firing machine guns in the nose.
- 4 fixed forward firing guns in pods on either side of the cockpit, 2 on each side.
- 75mm cannon in nose, same as in Sherman tank
- 2 guns in top turret.
- 2 guns in tail position.
- 1 in each waist position

D. Sheley on Flickr says:
This is a P-47D-25-RE Thunderbolt painted like the personal aircraft of Lt. Col. David C. Schilling (a native of Leavenworth,KS) from the 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. Col. Schilling names his airplane "Hairless Joe" and its serial number was 42-26641. Interestingly the 56th kept painting their planes even after the USAAF started receiving them in NMF and they had a unique camo paint scheme for each squadron that no other group in the 8th AF shared. The 56th also kept flying the P-47 after all the other groups in the 8th converted to the P-51 Mustang.
Looks like a Me-109 behind the P-47 also.

D. Sheley on Flickr says:
"Delectable Doris" is still around today at the Fantasy of Flight Museum in Polk City,Florida. She was originally an RAF aircraft, serving with No. 357 and No. 232 Squadrons and then was sent to the Indian A.F. This aircraft is a B-24J Liberator (s/n 44-44272).
The original "Delectable Doris" was a B-24J-1-FO (s/n 42-50551) that served with the 566th Bomb Squadron, 389th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force and was shot down by AAA on Feb. 3,1945.

This is one of 15 very small negatives, measuring about .5 X .75 inches. I am not sure what camera was involved. They are very scratched and damaged but the content is so interesting they deserved a look.

Five negatives feature a look at B-24 Liberator Bomber "Delectable Doris"
More information is here about halfway down the page.
Three negatives feature a P-47 single engine fighter SR# 42-226422.
A better shot can be found HERE!
And last. six negatives show a B-26/A-26 SR#N9990Z that appears to have had an "ouchie". Some history is found HERE!
about half way down the page. The damage apparently occurred in March of 1975 when a wheel collapsed. Since it is unrepaired in these pictures, it dates the negatives around that time.

D. Sheley on Flickr says:
Things like a gear collapse wasn't uncommon for the A-26 later in their life. The airframes were used so hard for so long that they were literally falling apart while still serving with the USAF. I think there were several instances of Invaders breaking up in flight because the main spar would snap in two. The A-26 was used in three wars and I bet the USAF would still be flying them if they could....she was a great old bird.
Here is a bit of info for ya....they were designated A-26 during WW2, B-26 during Korea but changed back to A-26 for Vietnam. Apparently the Tiawanese government balked at having bombers based in thier country so the USAF just changed the designation.

This is one of 15 very small negatives, measuring about .5 X .75 inches. I am not sure what camera was involved. They are very scratched and damaged but the content is so interesting they deserved a look The end tag frame was scanned to make sure nothing was on it.
Three negatives feature a P-47 single engine fighter SR# 42-226422.
A better shot can be found HERE!

From fulvue on Flickr:
This is a Halifax bomber conversion to a civilian transport - Handley Page Halton. G-AIOI was operated by Bond Air Services and this was during the Berlin Airlift. The incident occurred on 9 Apr 1949 at Schleswig (I think where Bond operated from during the airlift).
See below for some additional info (re civilian input to the Berlin Airlift):
"Warning of the arrival of the civilian aircraft to Germany, scheduled for 4 August 1948, was not received until the 1st, but in spite of this short notice the necessary arrangements were made for the first sorties to take place on the following day. The first sortie was flown at night by Halton G-AIOI (Captain Treen) of Bond Air Services, which landed at Gatow at 03:10
local time. This aircraft carried out five return flights between Wunstorf and Berlin in the first 24 hours of operations, which produced a total of 33 sorties from the civil side."
Taken from site: Location=U...
It is possible to imagine the strain placed on the aircraft, flying continuously and heavily laden, eventually resulting in this 'prang'.
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In the top row there is a Stinson SR, NC13498 serial number 8752. Here is all the information I have on it:
ReplyDeleteAn 18 Nov 1936 telegram from C.R. Rust of Two Harbors, MN to the Bureau of Air Commerce requesting authority to install Edo model 3300 floats, serial number P6010 as removed from a Model S. Approval was granted as long as he follows approved data and attaches an aux fin under the fuselage.
The airplane was apparently in Alaska and operated by Wein Airways. There is a 26 Apr 1938 approval to install Wien Model W-3750 skis.
Weight of Skis 180 pounds
Weight of wheels & tires removed 87 pounds
This airplane was listed in the 15 Aug 1939 Radio Station Bulletin.
The airplane was involved in a fatal accident on 23 Nov 1939 on a return flight from Fortymile, AK to Fairbanks. The pilot, Norris W. Johnson was the only person onboard after delivering supplies to the isolated village. He had circled the Fairbanks airport several times trying to land during a snowstorm when the accident occurred.
Thanks for the information! I will add it to the page.